Friday, January 31, 2014

Just another day!!

      This have been pretty quiet around here. I don’t really live a very exciting life, therefore, I don’t have a lot to share. I have been working hard everyday and by the time I get home I am pretty tired. This is when I want to just come home and “veg”. I’ve tried to get myself to the gym after work and I think I’ve been back 1 time since the new year began. I don’t have a good excuse, but I’ve contributed it to a few things: It’s been way to cold outside to leave my house once I got home from work, My left shoulder / neck have been too sore, or I just have been too tired and did not have enough energy to give to a workout.
      Today I took a “ME” day from work. It felt nice to have a day off. I was able to wake up on my own terms without an alarm clock and I must say that I was up by 8:00 am, which is early for me when I don’t’ have to work. I spent the day with my parents and we took dad’s friend to the airport. We then headed over to a locally owned electronics store to look for a specific item for dad. While there we stayed and experienced some of their surround sound entertainment systems. Then we met our financial planner and Jr. Partner and went to lunch. The three of us had a Wood Fired Mac and Cheese with Lobster and a Crumb Topping. It was so delicious. After our lunch appointment, we came home and took a little nap. Now I’m just sitting here sipping coffee trying to get rid of my migraine. Going to try to get a few things done around here tonight and be somewhat productive. But, the gym will have to wait yet another day!! 

Can’t Wait for Spring!!! Let’s See What that Rodent says on Sunday!!!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year - 2014

Happy New Year & Welcome 2014.  I can’t believe that another year has quickly come and gone.  My plans to post to this blog more often last year, definitely did not happen.  I can make a hundred excuses as to why, but really it all just comes down to plan laziness and being preoccupied with these computer games.  I think part of this is because I have spent so much time over the past few years committed to college and course work, I just needed some down time, however I think I took it to the extreme. I am not really proud of myself for doing this, so I am going to truly make an effort to limit my computer time. I plan in the New Year to devote more time to more productive activities.  I enjoy crafts and stamping and since I recently purchased more supplies for my stamping / card making, I am really excited to spend more time with making cards.  Although, I really do not enjoy leisurely reading, I do want to try to spend more time reading.  Maybe, if I read more, I can learn to enjoy it more, especially since it will be of my own choosing and interests. I have a few books that are true-life stories and I am interested in reading both.  Most importantly I would like to devote more time to serving my church. 
            Although, I always love the New Year, because it feels like a new beginning and it’s refreshing. I do not really like to commit to any New’s Years resolutions, because for one I usually never keep them.  Secondly, I make too many.  I also think that you really shouldn’t have to wait for the New Year to make changes in your life.  If you are that unhappy with the way you live your life or the way that things are going in your life; it’s a good idea to make changes right away. 
            I am excited to see what 2014 brings and hope that it is filled with health and happiness.  In the past few years my family has seen it’s share of illness. It will be nice to see not one but many years ahead of health.

            Happy New Year to all my family and friends!! 
May you see a year full of health and happiness.  Remember only you have control of your happiness.