Saturday, May 19, 2012

Graduation and Near Completion

It’s early evening here in Scoita on a Mid-May Saturday night.  It’s a beautiful evening, as I sit on the front porch and hear the birds chirping, dogs barking in the far background and the sound of the cars whizzing by.  I love the cool evening air, the sun is setting behind the trees.  I thought about turning on the radio to listen to some music, but I rather listen to nature’s music instead.  It’s so peaceful. 

I’ve spent the majority of the day sick on the couch.  I really hate being sick.  I’ve felt it coming on days in advance, with my sinuses aching and the sore throat yesterday.  What a way to spend one of the first most beautiful weekends in a long time.  I had nothing planned for the day, no golf tournaments to work, no graduation ceremony to attend.  And I had to get this darn cold. 

On Mother’s Day May 13, 2012 I received my Masters of Science in Occupational Therapy.  It is so surreal; I still can’t believe it’s finally over.  All the long hard work, it’s been a very long road and I have to say it’s bittersweet.  I can’t believe, that I will not be spending the weekends in Utica anymore.  I am both excited and sad at the same time.  Utica has become my second home and I will surely miss it.  I’ve made some great friends and bonds with some wonderful people.

I still have one week left of my Pediatric Clinical and then I will have 12 weeks of my adult clinical to finish.  I will officially complete the program on August 24, 2012.  Just a long or short 13 weeks away.  It all depends on how one looks at it.   Then it will be the grueling task of studying for the National Exam.  I plan to take it in October or November.  I don’t want to wait too long, so that I don’t forget the material.  I am dreading it though, I hate taking tests.  I am not a good test taker at all.  I think the anxiety and stress of it all makes me forget what I am doing. 

Until then, I am just going to enjoy having part of my life back.!!!