Saturday, March 31, 2012

Coming to the end of a very long road

It has been such a long time since I last posted.  Last time I decided to blog, I was preparing for the last weekend of classes.  It was such a busy week and I still feel as though I worked right down to the very last minute, trying to get my assignments completed.  Well, we finally finished our academic portion of the OT program and now I just finished week 5 of my clinicals.  I will have to complete two 12-week clinical assignments.  Unpaid of course, so I am picking up what hours I can at the Nursing home.  I decided that it would work best if I resigned as a full-time COTA at my current place of employment and change to a per-diem status.  It’s been ok!! I’ve been getting some hours here and there.  It’s nice to go into work, do what I need to do and leave.  I no longer have to worry about the day-to-day BS that happens.  I do miss the camaraderie of the girls though.

Currently, my first placement for clinicals is with our local Captial District BOCES and I am really enjoying my time with the little kiddos.  They are so much fun, they can be challenging, but fun.  So much different than when I did clinicals in Peds to complete my OTA degree requirements.  I am thinking about going into Peds, however with all the recent talks of upcoming budget cuts, it might not be a secure position.  My 2nd 12-week placement will be at St. Elizabeth’s in Utica.  I am excited and nervous about this one.  I know that I will get a lot of experience here and who knows, maybe, I will enjoy this placement and type of setting even more.  What I am sure of, is no matter what, I will be able to find a job as a OT. 

            In May I will participate in commencement, a day on campus for our culminating experience and 2 days of an Exam prep course.  In June, I begin my 2nd placement that will take me through the end of August.  I will then begin the painstaking task of studying 3-4 hours daily for the National Boards.  I probably will take them by the end of October or Early November.  I can’t believe how fast this is going; it seemed like forever to get here.

            I do miss the weekends in Utica with the girls.  We had a lot of good times and memories that I will cherish forever.  I am glad that I decided to further my education and chose Utica.  I’ve met some great people and friends that will last a lifetime.  

Another Chapter almost done!!!!