Sunday, December 16, 2018

Christmas is almost here!

   It's hard to believe that another year has almost come to an end!. 2018 has been a very difficult year for me and my family. It has been just over 13 months since my car accident & I am still struggling daily with low back pain, weakness and pain in the hips, and left lower extremity pain and tingling. I finally had a 2nd neurology consult & the doctor is going to order a brain MRI. I have bilateral lower extremity hyper-reflexivity and positive for clonus in both lower extremities. The right appears to be more prominent than the left. And, sometimes it is more prominent than others. I hope to find answers with this upcoming exam (if worker's compensation approves it). The doctor is not overly concerned with the hyperreflexes as he is with the clonus bilaterally. He said it is highly unusual for clonus to be present in both lower extremities (which could indicate brain damage on either both sides of the brain or deep in the center of the brain). I struggle daily with getting around. Simple tasks such as sitting or standing for more than 1 hour become very difficult I have tried to explain to all the doctors, therapists and lawyers of my daily struggles & pains but nobody, seems to be able to pinpoint the exact problem. So I am hoping the brain MRI will reveal something. Fingers Crossed. I started aqua therapy this past week, finally after waiting since June. I would not wish dealing with worker's compensation on anybody. It is so frustrating and disappointing. They want you to get back to work, but don't want to approve any of the therapies or MD appointments that will get you back to "normal" or at least semi-normal. I don't think I will ever be the same pre-accident. I have days where I think that I've finally crossed that bridge and there is a light at the end of the tunnel, then the next day it's like I got hit by that truck all over again. And, with the winter months setting in, the damp and cold days are very difficult and painful.
    I am very grateful for my parents. I live with my parents and they have been very supportive during all of this craziness. My dad takes me to all of my appointments and my mom always has a hug and a shoulder. I don't know what I would do without them. I certainly don't think I'd be where I am today. I love and cherish them everyday.   
    I am going stir crazy!!! I would love nothing more than to be able to return to the work force. It may not be in the capacity that I was previously, but maybe in a position where I can still use the degree that I worked so hard to achieve. I will have to start looking to see what might be out there and available for me. Right now, I am waiting to hear back from NYS Social Security Disability. If they deem me disabled, then I will not have to hunt for a new job. I guess I can work on my photography stuff and finally get those two courses completed. I haven't opened that online program since late August / early September. I really want to work on the photo projects for the sections I've already completed, before I continue on. And, I really haven't been able to get out and about to work on the photo projects. Ugh!!
  I've failed at trying to keep this updated more frequently. I will work really hard at posting more often. This has been very therapeutic to post an entry. Until next time, lots of love to all who follow me!! Thank You for listening.

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