Sunday, July 8, 2018

July 4th Come & Gone!

It’s hard to believe that July 4th has come & gone. In the past several I have not gone out to see the Fireworks, mostly because it’s on a weeknight & I have to work the next day. One of these years I will get back into doing so, as I really enjoy watching them. It’s just with my current situation, that I really don’t feel like doing much of anything. It’s difficult to get around & I am in constant pain. It does not make for having much fun. I have been spending a lot of my days working on my online photography course, lying in the sun, working on some CEU courses and playing on the computer. Some times I get very distracted with the computer games and before you know it, several hours have passed. Then I feel like I’ve wasted a lot of time in which I could have been productive doing more educational work. Oh! Well, I’ve just got to be more self-disciplined. This morning I was very productive, although I missed Church because I was in too much pain to go. I was able to get all my emails taken care of (I have 3 email accounts & haven’t checked email in a while), paid bills & balanced my checkbook. Now onto more reading & course work for the online photography.
Have a great day!

Monday, July 2, 2018

Updating the Blog

 As I started this blog thing back up, it looks like there are a lot of the blogs I had subscribed to, that have not been updated in a very long time. Some as much as 1 to 2 years ago. Um!! I guess Facebook, Instagram & Twitter have really taken over. I kind of like the option of blogging, it gives you the opportunity to work on your writing skills and you can really get a lot of information in one post. It’s hard on the other social media platforms to do that. I know that when I am surfing any of the above-mentioned platforms, if the post is really long, I skim over it. Mostly, because I am I don’t like to ready very much and I am easily distracted. But, I am trying to work on that. I like these other platforms for quick & to the point messages.  So, I guess I will have to clean up my blog “following” list.
            Well, I had my Mammogram with Ultrasound last week and I was going to update this blog following my Mammo, but I had such a migraine during & following my Mammo, that I just could not even concentrate on anything. I felt so sick to my stomach & my head pounded, as though I had a Drumline in my head. I came home, took some Tylenol & Pepto and laid down. I woke up about 3 hrs later.
            Anyway, I had complained that my left breast was tender & it turns out to be “good” & no issues. However, in my right breast they found a deep “cyst”. The Dr. doesn’t think it’s really anything to worry about, but with the family history, she wants to keep an eye on it. I am suppose to have a breast MRI (which I am overdue for ) as soon as I can. If I don’t have the breast MRI within 6 months, than the Dr. wants to see me back for another mammo with ultrasound.  At that time they will decide the next step.
            Well, I am ready to get to bed for tonight. Tomorrow, I think I will go to DMV & renew my drivers’ license then come home & work on my photography course.

            Have a Great Night!!