Yesterday, I took my NBCOT Exam. It was the second most
stressful thing I’ve done in all of my adult life. I am not sure how I did on
the exam. I’d like to say I think I passed, but another part of me is not so
sure. It was just a very difficult exam. Some of the questions had answers that
were so obvious and then others it was like “where did this question come
from?” I will know in a few weeks if I passed and will become an official OTR.
Until then I am going to relax for a bit and not look at any information
regarding diagnosis, treatment plans, etc… My brain just can’t function
anymore. It needs a total decompression. I was going to go to Atlantic City for
a few days, however, I don’t think I will be doing that anytime soon.
I can’t believe the devastation that Hurricane Sandy has
caused. Apparently, this is our new normal. Hard to believe that in NYS we now
need to worry and prepare for Hurricanes. Who would’ve ever thought? I used to
say that although NYS has horrible taxes, at least we have nice weather for the
most part. We get to have the change of the seasons; we don’t have to worry
about tornados, earthquakes or hurricane. Well, ok we did have an occasional
earthquake, but they were very mild compared to other parts of the US. Now it appears
that no matter where you go in the US, there is devastation some how; whether
it be from wildfires, drought, hurricanes, tornados, earthquake or whatever
Mother Nature can stir up.
I pray for all of the families that have lost loved ones or
their homes. May brighter days lie ahead.