Sunday, September 11, 2011

Never Forgotten

As today marks the 10th anniversary of 9/11, the day our country was attacked, it reminds me of how fortunate I am to have my family.  Ironically I sit here at 9:11 pm beginning to type this, and it’s not intentional.  I was sitting here watching a TV special (again not intentional, but I could not stop watching) on the events of that day, anyway I felt compelled to write this. 

Silly, I don’t need to be reminded because I clearly remember what I was doing that day, where I was and the fear I felt.   How could this be happening to our country?  Total sadness fills my heart and soul as I watch the images on my TV.  The feelings that I felt that day come rushing back.  I was watching the TV thinking to myself as One World Trade Center was on fire, is this a promotion for a movie?  It was all so surreal.  Then it happened a plane hit Two World Trade Center.  I almost fell to my knees. I can’t remember the exact words that came out of my mouth, but I knew we were in trouble and it was going to be a long day.  

This morning, I was at college (I had classes today). We took our morning break at 9:30 am and I took a walk outside. It was a beautifully clear September morning, the same as 9/11/01 started out to be.  I cried silently to myself and thought about those who did not survive that day, the ones’ who had no idea what happened & the ones’ who never had a fighting chance.  Although I was unable to watch or participate in any of the dedications or memorial services on campus or TV, it was not far from my mind.

It's hard to believe that it is now 10 years later, and yet the wounds seem so fresh, as the media keeps showing these images.  This is a day, these are the images I will never forget, ever. I am proud of the men and women that did all that they could to save the citizens of our country. People that they did not even know.  I am proud to be an American. I just hope that our country and our future generations will never have to experience what we did on that horrific day. 

May all those who lost their lives that day & the days following Rest In Peace.
God Bless!!!!!