Monday, December 20, 2010

'Tis The Season

What a wonderful holiday season this is going to be. This is by far my favorite time of year.  No, not because there are presents involved, but because I get to spend it with my family who I love very dearly. This year we are home to celebrate the holidays.  

I got the house all decorated and ready for the season, however it is not fully decked out as past years.  It just seams as though the holiday sneaked up on us really quickly. I did not put up any outside lights at all.  Oh!! Well.  My mom helped me out this year quite a bit. After I put the tree together (yes it's fake) she decorated 90% of the tree.  I put the final touches on -the garland & beads.  I have to admit it looks so pretty.  Even the cats love it.  They sit under it all the time.  I think they are eating some of the garland too!!! I keep finding small pieces on the floor.

We have so many decorations for the tree, not your ordinary bulbs!!! Most have a special meaning.  There are characters, snowmen, angles, and little critters.  Ornaments that we have collected over the years.  Thanks to Hallmark!! Hee hee!

Today, mom and I did some Christmas Shopping!!! I can finally say that I am just about done.  I have only one or two more items to purchase.  It was fun shopping with mom, we haven't done that in so long.  She still got very tired but we did as much as we could.  She was on a mission to find some nice stationary, however I guess nobody writes letters as they once did.  This just goes to show you how technological our times have become.  It's all email, facebook or texting.  So needless to say, we came home without the stationary.

When we got home I did some wrapping.  I am by far done, but at least I have a good start.  I put on my annual tradition "A Chipmunk Christmas", poured some wine and did my wrapping.

I am so excited for everyone to see what I got them!!! This is why I love Christmas.  I love making my family happy and I think I did pretty good this year with the selection of gifts. 
 It's the countdown to Christmas!!! 

Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Truly Blessed Day!

Today we celebrate a wonderful Thanksgiving.  It was a really nice day, quite in-fact.  It was just myself, mom and dad.  There were many phone calls received and made today -as there is every year.  I set my alarm clock for 8am, however the alarm went off,  and I dozed back off to sleep.  I finally got out of bed around 9am.  

Jo called shortly after I got up to tell us that she is a grandmother again.  Little Mario arrived yesterday evening. : } .  Mom and baby are doing well. I miss seeing Danny, Jo and their family.  They are my second family and we used to see them quite often. 

 I talked to my brother Mikey as I do on every major Holiday and Birthday. He sounds like he is doing well for himself.  He said that he might be losing is job, as the owner of the restaurant is having some difficulty with the landlord.  I hope that she will be able to stay open, especially through the holiday season.   there's nothing worse than losing your job during the holidays.

I made my usual staples -corn casserole and broccoli casserole.  They both got a little overdone, but that's ok.  The turkey took a little longer than usual this year.  It just did not want to cook I guess. I had the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on while I began to prepare the feast.  I love at least listening to the parade.  I know now that the official start of the Holiday Season has begun. 

This afternoon, even though it's a holiday I still had to address the homework issue.  I did all my online discussion posts, finished my self-assessment assignment and began the activity analysis.  Now I am having trouble getting back into the groove.  I am just tired, but I know that I need to do a little bit more. We just have so many assignments due before next Friday night 12/3.

We finally ate dinner around 5:30pm, not our traditional time of 3:00pm, but the fact that we were together and not down in NYC or even on our way home, is a blessing in it self.  We are home for the holidays and have each other. That's what it means to be truly Thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

My First Blog Entry

So, I've never done this before, and I thought that I would give it a try. I have a lot to say. However I won't spill all my secrets here, but at least I can give you an idea of who I am and what I am thinking.

Well today, we had our first snow fall.  I thought they said rain all day with scattered snow showers in the higher elevations and mountains.  I don't live in the mountains and we still got about an 1" of snow.  It was very pretty to look at through the window of our therapy gym today. However, I was not prepared for the snow.  I did not even put the snow brush in the car yet.  Good thing it was not more than an inch.

The trees looked so pretty with a fresh coat of snow on the branches.  As I was driving home, at the 5 O'Clock hour all the headlights and tail lights helped to make the trees glisten with snow.  It really got me in the mood for the holidays.  I became excited with joy, thinking it will be time soon to begin my Christmas shopping.  Heck, why not, they all ready started playing Christmas music on some of the radio stations 24/7 as of Nov. 1.

It's funny, because normally I hate the snow.  But, for some reason today it made me feel warm inside and excited about the upcoming season.  I do worry though because we still have many, many leave on all the trees around here.  I don't ever remember the trees having so many leaves at this time of year.  

Well I have to get back to the old school work.  I am in the home stretch for the semester and have to facilitate a discussion group this week.  Ughh!!! So, first I must find an interesting article, read it and then I can begin the discussion. 

Let the search begin.............